In the summer of 2010, when i was ten, i went to norway to visit my grandfather jorgen. he spent all his life on a small mountain farm, far from big cities and department stores. i was an american, i lived in a town, and i always thought that people simply bought what they needed. my grandfather showed me a different life. a little toy boat will always remind me of these life day grandfather jorgen said, “come here, i have something for you. would you like to have a toy boat? you can sail it at the lake,” he said.“wonderful”, i thought, looking around for the boat. but there wasn`t any.grandfather took a piece of wood. “the boat is in there,” he said. “you can bring it out.” then he gave me a knife and showed me how to work with it. he answered my questions, but i did all the work myself.“it will be a fine boat, and you`ll be making it all with your hands,” he said. “no one can give you what you do for yourself.” he was saying it again as i was working.finally, i finished the boat. the boat wasn`t much to look at, but i was proud of it.i could say, “i did it! ”вопросы1.grandfather jorgen lived in: a)a cityb)a townc)a the sentence "but there wasn't any", the world any referts to: a) the boatb)the takec)the piece of wood3. grandfather jorgen: a)bought the toy boat for his grandsonb)made the toy boat for his grandsonc)showed his grandson how to make a toy boat4."the boat wasn't much to look at" mean that: a)the boat wasn't very niceb)the boat wasn't very bigc)the boy didn't to look at it5."i didn't" shows: a)victory,successb)surprisec)angerзаранее ​

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