In the following sentences supply the articles (A, AN, or THE)
if necessary. If not necessary, leave the space blank:
A. Following ___(1) Declaration of Independence, the blue%and%
yellow flag was adopted as ___(2) national flag.
B. On our trip to___(3) Ukraine, we crossed___(4) Black Sea.
C. Rita entered___(5) National Law Academy of___(6) Ukraine
named after___(7) Yaroslav ___(8) Wise.
D. ___(9) Queen Elizabeth II is ___(10) monarch of ___(11)
Great Britain.
E. (12) Crimean Mountains stretch for about 150 km.
F. (13) Crimea is ___(14) peninsula located in ___(15)
south of our country.
G. ___(16) capital of ___(17) Ukraine is ___(18) oldest and
___(19) most charming city in ___(20) Europe — ___(21)
Kiev, which is situated on the hills along___(22) Dnieper.
H. On ___(23) June 16, 1990, ___(24) Supreme Council of
___(25) Ukraine passed (26) Declaration of ___(27)
State Sovereignty.
3. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the sentences with one suitable
1. In the North Ukraine borders___(1) Belarus.
2. Ukraine is washed ___(2) the Sea of Azov.
3. Ukraine is divided ___(3) 24 regions and the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea.
4. Nowadays Ukraine is a democratic state ruled ___(4) the law.
5. The state power of Ukraine is based (5) the division of
powers and consists (6) three branches: legislative, exec
utive and judicial.
6. According ___(7) their everlasting dream the Ukrainian people
voted (8) the independence of the country and ___(9) the
24th ___(10) August, 1991 Ukraine became an independent state.

SpaceRZX SpaceRZX    2   15.04.2020 14:16    48

tooijas tooijas  27.04.2020 04:40

B) known

The National Flag of Great Britain known as the Union Jack is white, red and blue.


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