In the black clothes 1 Read an extract from "A Christmas carol" and articles where necessary. 7 (1) Kethird spirit came. It was tall in (2) that covered its body from head to toe. “I'm the Ghost of Yet to Come," said (3) spirit. Scrooge got really scared. They travelled through (4) city and stopped at (5) poor Bob Cratchit's house. Bob, his wife and the children were sitting quietly by (6) fire. They were very quiet. “My little, little child,” cried Bob. “My little child.” Scrooge's heart started hurting. He wanted to say something but the next moment he found himself in (7). dark room. He saw (8)_dead body lying in (9) was nobody by (10)___ bed. “What kind of man can die and have no one to say (11) good word about him?" asked Scrooge. bed but there