In order to help the astronauts, (1) … and doctors need to find out what this feels like.SCIENCE 1.

As part of the (2) … programme, six volunteers will be locked away for 520 days to see what effect this has on their mind andSEARCH


body. During their time in (3) … , the volunteers will be able to communicate with their controllers, but only in a way that replicates the astronauts’ experience. For example, the furtherISOLATE


away from 'Earth’ they get, the longer the delay in the signal, so they will be (4) … to have a conversation in real time.ABLE


As part of the experiment, the volunteers will be allowed to play computer games. There will be a (5) … of solo gamesMIX


and (6) … games available. Afterwards, they will be asked toCOMPETE


give (7) … on how hard they found the games to play and whatFEED


their (8) … state was at the time.EMOTION


As a result of the (9)… gathered, it may be possible to createINFORM


special (10) … for crews on future missions.SOFT


yourmumsboyfriend yourmumsboyfriend    1   20.09.2020 21:14    483

lukycuk lukycuk  16.01.2024 00:01
In order to help the astronauts, scientists and doctors need to find out what this feels like. They need to understand the effects of isolation on the mind and body. To do this, they have created a special program where six volunteers will be locked away for 520 days.

During their time in isolation, the volunteers will be able to communicate with their controllers, but it won't be easy. The further away they get from 'Earth', the longer the delay in the signal. This means that they won't be able to have a real-time conversation. This is important because astronauts in space also experience communication delays.

As part of the experiment, the volunteers will be allowed to play computer games. There will be a mix of solo games and competitive games available. Afterwards, they will be asked to give feedback on how hard they found the games to play and what their emotional state was at the time. This will help scientists understand how isolation affects cognitive abilities and emotions.

All the information gathered from this experiment will inform future space missions. Scientists will be able to create special tools or techniques to support astronauts on long-duration missions. These special tools or techniques are often referred to as "soft" solutions because they provide support for the mental and emotional well-being of astronauts.

In summary, scientists and doctors want to understand the effects of isolation on the mind and body of astronauts. To do this, they have created an experiment where volunteers are locked away for a long period of time. They will experience communication delays and play computer games to assess their cognitive abilities and emotional state. The information gathered from this experiment will help create special tools or techniques for astronauts on future missions.
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