In no attention to me, but he ran to Mr. Inderby and began to pung
up and down in front ol liim, lo show low happy he was
"I see you are Iriends," I said
"Oh, yes!" Enderby smiled. "Yes, we're very good friends. But
I don't think he is a very friendly dog. He doesn't pay any at.
tention to anybody except your uncle and me. All dogs are friendly
to me- now. They seem to feel that I am their friend. But there
was a time when dogs frightened me and I hated them. They felt
it and hated me, too."
I looked at Enderby in surprise. "But that dog doesn't hate
you," I said, "His eyes are full of love for you."
"Yes," he answered. "But all dogs were my enemies once. I couldn't
touch them- even little dogs. And I was so afraid of big dogs
that when I saw one of them in the street, I went down another
street because I didn't want him to come near me. I don't think
I was a coward about other things, but I simply couldn't under
stand why there were dogs in the world, and why any body wanted
a dog in the house. But, now, of course, it's different."
What happened?" I asked. "What made you change?"
"It happened many years ago," he began. "But I won't forget
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