In electrical systems for the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy considerable control equipment is ne¬cessary. It can be divided into two classes: a) equipment used at the generating and distributing end; b) equipment used at the receiving end of the system. Safety switches are used at the point where the power en¬ters a building. They are of the knife type and are usually en¬closed in metallic boxes.
A magnetic contactor is used to make and break the circuit at the points where considerable power is used.
An automatic starter is a device which is used to keep the current from being excessive while the motor is obtaining full speed. It is a kind of a resistance inserted in series with the direct current armature. As the motor obtains speed it gradu¬ally removes.
Answer the questions:
1. Where is considerable control equipment necessary?
2. What classes can it be divided in?
3. Where are the safety switches used?