In each sentence, change the verb in bold to the opposite verb in the same form.Write your answer in the opposites column. 1 passed my manna last week
2 Have you ever borrowed mancy from a mand
3 Do you think they're going to win the league?
4 You need to push the dodr to opdo it.
5 She always remembers people manas,
6 sent an emoll to my sister yesterday
7 What time clues the plane leave
8 The match starts t 6.30pm
6 sont an email to my sister yesterday
7 What time does the plane leave?
B. The match starts at s oprn.
9 He's never learnt English,
10 ebays a good website iſ you want to buy
something second-hand.
11 Turn off your computer
12 I lost my car lays in the gardon.
13 Marla's very good at breaking things.
14 rll probably catch the train tonight.​

Ildarbagin Ildarbagin    2   02.12.2020 16:54    29

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