Im need a part-time job to earn ome money ihave read some advertisments what job will i chose

Egor4ik42 Egor4ik42    3   02.03.2019 00:40    2

reprto345mak reprto345mak  23.05.2020 19:17

Мне необходим неполный рабочий день, чтобы заработать немного денег. Я читал некоторые рекламные объявления. Какую работу я выберу?

VILI7575 VILI7575  23.05.2020 19:17

     I need a part-time job to earn some money, I have read some advertisements, and I decided to chose a baby-sitter job. 


     First of all I like kids so much. I can play with the all day. I always wanted to have a lot of younger brothers and sisters.

     Second - the family offers a good money for this job. That is important for me too.

At last, but not at least they sad, that they would take me to the cruise with them this summer, so I could help them with their kids there. What could be better then that?

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