Iknow six noun phrases with in and on. 1)your room is in/on a mess . please tidy it up! 2)i'm never in/on time for school. 3)my sister is in/on trouble because she stayed out late last night

sofahaos31 sofahaos31    3   25.06.2019 08:50    3

ИсаковД ИсаковД  02.10.2020 10:57
1)Your room is in a mess. Please, tidy it up!
2)I'm never on time for school. 
3)My sister is in trouble because she stayed out late last night
4)Don't talk to James.He's in a really bad mood.
5)Harry just phoned. He's on his way here now.
6)I don't want to go to Stacey's party on my own . Please come with me.
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