Iii.вставьте местоимения: some, any, no, every. 1. give me , i am hungry. 2. he does not like in his coffee. 3. i have , so we cannot go to the cinema today. 4. is there at home? - yes, there is . 5. do you have brothers? - no, i have . 6. she has in her test. 7. we have at home, please go and buy

щувовтслалтв щувовтслалтв    2   09.08.2019 13:20    2

ubdjf ubdjf  04.10.2020 07:22
1. Give me some soup, I am hungry. 2. He does not like any sugar in his coffee. 3. I have no money, so we cannot go to the cinema today. 4. Is there any bread at home?- Yes, there is some . 5. Do you have any brothers (тут и так уже стоит местоимение)?- No, I have no brothers. 6. She has no или some mistakes in her test. 7. We have no butter at home, please go and buy some
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