II.Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами
(Fill in the gaps with the necessary words from the list)

down with, around, in, on, back, up with, along, across, from, out

1. Open the door and come!
2. I am going to the cinema. Do you want to come with me?
3. She can’t speak Russian, she comes Italy.
4. It was Alex who came the idea of going to the disco.
5. She came her younger sister when she was walking to the college.
6. She will come tomorrow.
7. I’m waiting when the new season «Game of Thrones» comes.
8. My parents are coming after May holidays.
9. The symptoms show that you’re coming flu.
10.Come , I know you can win.

III. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Choose the correct variant)

1. They always say me that I take for / after my dad.
2. It’s too hot inside. Can I take on / off my jacket?
3. He took his laptop apart / away to see if he could fix its problem.
4. My friend takes me for / around and showed Moscow sights.
5. I took the TV set back / away to the shop, as it didn’t work.
6. On Sunday her boyfriend took her out around /out to the theater.
7. Where is the nearest cash machine? I need to take up / out some money.
8. They take my mother after / for a famous actress.
9. My brother doesn't want to play the trombone. He wants to take on / up the guitar.
10. What time the plain takes off / on?

morozu020 morozu020    1   28.04.2020 12:53    1

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