II. Впишите недостающие слова, поставивь их в правильную форму: enter, treasure, whisper, feel 1 He always ….happy when he comes home from work.

2 She said it in a …so no one could hear her words.

3 This place is a real ….-house of books.

4 Please, ….the room.

III. Переведите следующие предложения, используя Причастие 1, 2

1. Have you noticed the broken kitchen window?

2. I love to look at playing children.

3. Jane’s last words whispered into my ear were, “I will always remember you”

4. There was sound of turning pages.

IV. Выберите нужную форму Причастия

1. The pupils (preparing/ prepared) for the examinations were given some extra classes.

2. I like soup (preparing/ prepared) by my mother.

3. We usually eat vegetables (buying/ bought) in the market.

4. The woman (buying/ bought) vegetables is my aunt.

5. The music (sounding/sounded) from the radio was light and cheerful.

6. The tree (growing/grown) behind my window is a birch.

7. The children (playing/played) in the garden are my children.

dpil900dima dpil900dima    2   17.12.2020 10:01    34

katiabrandt17 katiabrandt17  16.01.2021 10:01

№2 1 feels

2 whisper

3 treasure

4 enter

№3 1 Ты заметил сломанное (разбитое) окно на кухне?

2 Я люблю смотреть на играющих детей

3 Последние слова Джейн в мое ухо были, "Я всегда буду помнить тебя"

4 Был звук переворачивающихся страниц (звучит плохо, но это так)

№4 1 prepared

2 prepared

3 bought

4 buying

5 sounding

6 growing

7 playing

не забудь нажать


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