Ii. раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в past continuous. a. what was happening (happen) at the time of the robbery? b. well, i (sit) in my office. i (talk) to an employee. mary (put) food onto the shelves. several customers (do) the shopping and a cashier (stand) behind the till. a. can you tell me anything about the robbers? b. yes. they (wear) black masks and they (hold) guns. they (shout). a. how did they get away? b. they drove off in a car which (wait) outside.

terrrylook31 terrrylook31    2   08.06.2019 20:50    16

1FACE1 1FACE1  07.07.2020 21:46
Здесь же не трудно. 
В Past Continuous просто надо каждый глагол писать в форме was + окончание ing (если имя существительное в единственном числе)  или  were + ing (если в множественном). 
В документе всё написано.
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