II. Переведите предложения, содержащие косвенные вопросы, пассивные конструкции, инфинитивные формы, выделите их. Запишите в скобка что это, косвенный вопрос, пассивная конструкция или инфинитивная форма:

1) The question arises whether rocks are all natural combinations of
mineral matter.
2) It is still uncertain whether the variation in energy of the electrons can be
wholly accounted for by energy losses during their passage through the
material, or whether their initial energies differ. The former would seem
more probable on theoretical grounds.
3) Magnetism is referred to in the oldest writings of man.
4) Many materials now commonly used were not even thought of thirty
years ago.
5) The rise in bacterial numbers was followed by a sudden drop after the
nutrients added to the water had been exhausted.
6) The positive particle in the nucleus of the atom was given the name of
7) The question now arises as to how the behaviour of metals is affected by
the changes in temperature.
8) The process to be treated subsequently in more detail is known as
9) No material is considered to be perfectly elastic even at very low stress.
10) The earliest devices for comparing temperatures are known to make use
of the change in volume of a confined fluid as it is being warmed.
11) Design features of the device allowed the specimen to be heated in
12) We know the velocity of a particle to be continuously changing if this
particle has a non-uniform motion: in each successive time interval, the
particle acquires some increment of velocity.
13) The foreign matters such as sulphur and iron, which are found in coals to
a varying degree, may have been; due to the presence of minerals
containing these elements in their neighborhood.

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