Ii. обведите кружком номер правильного ответа 1. my tv, has broken down twice already. a) which i bought only last year; c) which i've bought only last year; b) what i bought only last year; d) i bought only last year. 2. he'll probably want to know if you a) had drunk; c) have been drinking; b) will have been drinking; d) didn't drink 3. there was a sad expression face. a) over; b) in; c) on; d) across 4. you can use my typewriter now, but i'll need it later, a) in; b) at; c) for; d) on. 5. you complain, nothing changes. a) for how much; b) however much; c) as much as; d) the more. 6. statistics show that after the speed limit had been reduced, . a) less accidents took place; b) not so many accidents were happening; c) the fewer there were accidents; d) fewer accidents took place. 7. you have been so good, here is a biscuit for you. a) since; b) so that; c) while; d)for. 8. here's five pounds to help you next payday. a) out; b) across; c) on; d) up. 9. you can always count george. he is very reliable. a) for; b) with; c) to; d) on. 10. nobody knew in english. a) what was it called; c) how was it called; b) what it was called; d) how it was called.