II. Используйте “one” / “ones” вместо существительных, выделенных курсивом.
1. This copy is torn. Bring me another COPY.
2. I’ve read all the books; may I take the other BOOKS too?
3. These cherries are sour. Have you got sweeter CHERRIES?
4. Which is my glass here? – Take the GLASS nearest to you.
5. There are two vacant tables here. Which TABLE will you take?
6. He’s fond of nearly all games, but tennis and football are the GAMES he likes best.

ivankarmashov2p01nx6 ivankarmashov2p01nx6    1   10.05.2020 11:28    11

mousi1999 mousi1999  14.10.2020 12:31

1 One

2 ones

3 ones

4 one

5 one

6 ones

Объяснение: тема изи. Если множественное число (в конце -e; -es (кроме исключений)) - значит ones, если единственное то one

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