If you need your teatchers help,what do you say to them? 1)you come to class after the bell.you . 2)you cant see well from the back.you . 3)you dont know how to spell a difficult word.you . 4)the teacher asks you why you missed your class yesterday.you . 5)youre not sure if you should stay at your desk or go to the black-board.you . 6)you cant find the right page.you . 7)you are thirsty and want to leave the classroom.you . 8)you started writing something to your teathers dictation but didnt finish it.you 0
2)Miss (имя), may I sit closer?
3)Sorry, how to spell this word?
4)I was ill
5)please tell me if I must go to the blackboard
6)Miss (имя), what was the page that we talked about
7)May I go out to drink water?
8)can you give me some more time?
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