If the weather is fine,we (go) for picnic. if i (to have this) rare book, i should gladly fend it to you . your brother(to became) much stronger if he look cold baths regularly. поставить в правелную форму !

Polly2970 Polly2970    2   19.05.2019 18:00    2

gen1978 gen1978  12.06.2020 22:09

If the weather is fine, we will go for ppicnic i

2,3 do not know, so sorry)

Patara1986 Patara1986  12.06.2020 22:09

if the weather is fine,we will go for picnic.
if i had this rare book, i should gladly fend it to you .
your brother will became much stronger if he look cold baths regularly.


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