Иеще один номер инглиша 3. fill in the blanks with some, any, no: 1) we bought … flowers. 2) he is lazy. he never does … work. 3) you can take … bus. they all go to the centre. 4) if there are … letters for me, can you send them on to this address? 5) have you got … luggage? – no, i haven’t … . 6) this evening i’ m going to go out with … friends of mine. 7) can i have … milk in my coffee, please? 8) i didn’t have … money, so i had to borrow … . 9) we had to walk home because there were … taxes. 10) sue will have … difficulty finding a job. 11) i was too tired to do … work. 12) have you seen … good plays recently? 13) if there are … words you don’t understand, use a dictionary. 14) you can cash these traveler’s cheques at … bank. 15) i phoned kate, but there was … answer. 16) i’ll try and answer … questions you ask me. 17) i don’t have … free time tonight.

polinaguskova polinaguskova    2   09.07.2019 02:20    2

bellalove200 bellalove200  07.09.2020 07:56
1.some или no. И то и то верно. 2. Some.3. Any. 4.some.5.some.any.6. Some.7.some.8.any.some.9.no.10.some или no. 11. Any. 12.any.13.some. 14.any. 15.no.16.some.17.any
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