Ican’t say i really feel at home anywhere. i was born in a city, but i hate cities. i love mountains, but i have lived in a mountain country: my home is a flat agricultural area in the south of england which i find boring. i don’t have much in with the local people there, and my way of life is very from theirs, so i don’t feel that i am really part of the community. although i am english, in some ways i don’t feel english. i have spent time in various countries, and i can happily live abroad for a period. not for ever, though. in the end i always begin to feel too foreign, and miss too many things. it is then that i realize that my really are in england, even if i can’t say exactly where. i don’t have very family ties, and i am not in contact with many of my relatives. my canadian wife has a much stronger sense of family, which she has passed to our son. his home and his immediate family mean a great deal to him, and his extended family is very important to him as well. he is very fond of all his a27 , and likes to see them as often as he can. so perhaps the next generation will have more ties than i have. in some ways i hope so, but being rootless has advantage too. on balance, i am not sure that i would prefer to to one place, one community and one set of ideas. выберите ответ: a22 1) always 2) ever 3) never 4) usually a23 1) familiar 2) general 3) relation 4) common a24 1) different 2) various 3) contrary 4) unusually a25 1) home 2) routes 3) place 4) roots a26 1) strong 2) hardy 3) powerful 4) tough a27 1) relationship 2) relations 3) ancestors 4) friends a28 1) like 2)love 3) belong 4) choose

Hiccjhcvkjxg Hiccjhcvkjxg    3   08.06.2019 15:00    8

лиор20 лиор20  01.10.2020 22:16
A22 - never
A23 - common
A24 - different
A25 - roots
A26 - strong
A27 - friends
A28 - belong
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