iA typical day in the life of the Queen of England L upo L D In the morning The Queen begins her day like many other people with paperwork at her desk. After reading6 the daily British newspapers, The Queen examines her correspondence: 200-300 letters ar more per dayl of course the Queen can't read them all, so with the help of members of her staff she selects some letters to answer. The Queen then sees, separately, two of her Private Secretaries who bring her the official papers and documents for her to read, approve and sign and information from all over the world. Ali of these papers are sent in the famous 'red boxes After this it's time for the audiences: when the Queen receives a numiber of important people (ambassadors, bishops, judges, etc.) Each meeting lasts 10 to 20 minutes. Usually the Queen has lunch privately. In the afternoon In the afternoons, The Queen often goes out on public engagements (about 430 per year). if the engagement is outside Landon, the Queen travels by air using a helicopter or an RAF plane. In these engagements the Queen visits schools, hospitals, factories, military units, art galleries, shelters for elderly people, hostels for the homeless and other organisations, The Queen may end the afternoon seeing Government ministers in a meeting of the Privy Council. In the evening. The Queen's working day does not stop at the end of the afternoon. Once a week (usually on Wednesdays), In the early evening she has a meeting with the Prime Minister, Tony Blair. At about 7.30 pm the Queen reads a report of the day's parliamentary actions. On some evenings, The Queen attends a film première, a concert performance for a charitable cause, or a reception linked to organisations of which she is Patron. The Queen also regularly organises official receptions at Buckingham Palace (usually with other members of the Royal Family) The Queen has many private interests to complete her working day. For example, she owns and breeds racehorses sa she often sees her horses run at famous races like the Derby and the Summer Race Meeting. Da you still think the Queen has an easy life? Often, one of the last lights on in the Palace at night is The Queen finishing her 'red box' of official papers. BagaHne 1. Onpegenure, kakoe ua STUX npeanomeHnă npasaveo(true), a kakoe ouinGoHHD(false). 1) The Queen receives many letters per day. 2) The important papers and documents for the Queen to read, approve and sign come inside a 'blue box. 3) The Queen has lunch with many Important people. 4) All of the Queen's engagements are inside London so she always travels by car. 5) The name of the Prime Minister is Tony Blair. 6) The Queen likes to organise receptions at Buckingham Palace. 7) The Queen likes to own and breed dogs. 8) The Queen is often the last person to go to bed at night. 3agaHne 2. Kak 30BYT Koponesy, O KOTopoi roBopuTCA 8 TEKCTE? 1) Victoria 3) Elizabeth I| 2) Maria I Tudor 4) Elizabeth i

VikaSh86 VikaSh86    3   29.11.2021 09:14    24

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