I. use many or much.
1. speak english.
2. there is not sunshine here in winter.
3. mike, you watch tv too .
4. lucy has pairs of shoes.
5. chris does not speak
6. she hasn't got friends.
7. there are cars in the street.
8. roy drinks too coffee.
9. we enjoyed the party very
10. alice does not wear jewelry.
11. mum put oil in the salad.
12. do you read
13. don't drink so alcohol!
14. he bought presents for her.
15. they do not have work to do.

ii. translate the sentences.
1. у склянці небагато молока.
2. мені дуже сподобався фільм.
3. багато студентів іспити добре.
4. я напишу тобі багато листів.
5. він ніколи не їсть багато м'яса.
6. у анни багато нових фотографій.
7. скільки у тебе грошей?
8. вчора ми купили багато книжок.
9. тут надто багато світла.
10. ти робиш багато помилок у диктантах.
11. дитина з'їла надто багато цукерок.
12. у неї багато вільного часу.

sofiyaserysheva sofiyaserysheva    2   09.11.2019 21:42    5

emilgasanov emilgasanov  11.08.2020 17:51

I. 1. Many people speak English.

2. There is not much sunshine here in winter.

3. Mike, you watch TV too much.

4. Lucy has many pairs of shoes.

5. Chris does not speak much.

6. She hasn't got many friends.

7. There are many cars in the street.

8. Roy drinks too much coffee.

9. We enjoyed the party very much.

10. Alice does not wear much jewelry.

11. Mum put much oil in the salad.

12. Do you read much?

13. Don't drink so much alcohol!

14. He bought many presents for her.

15. They do not have much work to do.

II. 1. There is not much milk in the glass.

2. I enjoyed the film very much.

3. Many students pass their exams well.

4. I will write you many letters.

5. He never eats much meat.

6. Anna has many new photos.

7. How much money do you have?

8. We bought many books yesterday.

9. There's too much light in here.

10. You make many mistakes in dictations.

11. The child ate too many sweets.

12. She has much free time.

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