I.Reading Your brain is like a sleeping giant.The statement that,on average,we use only one percent of our brain may be wrong.It now seems that we use even less than one percent,which means that an enermouse amount of our brain can still be developed.You can improve your brain solving puzzels,crosswords,problems.
A good example of that is man called Dominic O’Leary.He can tell you the day of any date in any year.What day was April 21,1876? “Wednesday”,says Dominic.He can remember the teams and the scores of every football match in every world cup.
And he became world champion memory man when he remembed the order of thirty five packs of playing cards.At school he was a pupil who couldn’t remember his lesson.But everything changed after he saw a programme on television,which showed people how to improve their memory from the age of five.
Another example is a young man called Dario Donatelly.He recently graduated from a University,where he specialized is techniques for remembering numbers.He says,”My memory is just like anyone else’s.There are probably thousands of people whose memories could work faster that mine if they had the same interests as I have” He has broken the world record for memorizing the largest amount of numbers.He recently memorized a number of seventy-three digits.When asked how did this,he repli uped,”group the numbers into pairs,or threes,or fours and I link them with something I am a familiar with,for example,my brother’s age,a date of birth,a month of my year,etc.
However,could we all the same? The important thing to remember is that our brain actually improves with time and practice.
Poets produce their best work between 30-34,medical men and philosophers between 35-39 and fiction writers between 30 and 45.But these figures are just average.

Find any similarities and differences between Dominic and Dario


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