I Put these events in order:
Fuller drinks a lot of Pepsi
Buzz tells a scary story about Old Marley
He asks his mom's permission to watch a movie with the others
Kevin wishes his family would disappear
Pizza is delivered to the house
Aunt asks Kevin to pack his suitcase
Kevin is looking for his family members
Milk is spilled on the passports
The policeman is looking for parents in the McCallisters' house
The house is in chaos because nobody is ready to leave
The family got on the plane
Kevin is grounded on the third floor
There is a blackout because of the storm
Kevin's mom wonders what they might have forgotten
Police comes to check on Kevin
Kevin breaks Buzz's shelf in order to get some money
The thieves are going to break into the house
Kevin shoplifts a toothbrush
He heads to the shop
Plain cheese pizza for Kevin is delivered
25 old woman glves Kevin mom's her ticket
Kevin disguises himself as a shepherd near the church
Kevin's mom is calling the police from Paris
The thleves are following Kevin on the street
The thleves are at the Murphy's house​

daaanila2015 daaanila2015    2   10.01.2021 21:47    309

pjs pjs  20.12.2023 16:25
1. Kevin wishes his family would disappear - Kevin expresses his dissatisfaction with his family. 2. Kevin is looking for his family members - Kevin realizes that his family members are missing. 3. The house is in chaos because nobody is ready to leave - The McCallister house is in disarray as the family rushes to leave for their vacation. 4. Kevin's mom wonders what they might have forgotten - Kevin's mom begins to suspect that they have forgotten something important. 5. Kevin's mom is calling the police from Paris - Kevin's mom contacts the police to inform them of the situation from Paris. 6. The policeman is looking for parents in the McCallisters' house - The police officer arrives at the McCallister house to investigate and locate the parents. 7. Police comes to check on Kevin - The police come to the house to check on Kevin's safety. 8. The house is in chaos because nobody is ready to leave - The family continues to struggle to gather their belongings and prepare to leave. 9. Aunt asks Kevin to pack his suitcase - Kevin's aunt instructs him to pack his suitcase. 10. Kevin breaks Buzz's shelf in order to get some money - Kevin breaks Buzz's shelf to retrieve money for his upcoming adventure. 11. Kevin shoplifts a toothbrush - Kevin takes a toothbrush from a store without paying for it. 12. He asks his mom's permission to watch a movie with the others - Kevin seeks his mother's permission to watch a movie with his siblings. 13. Plain cheese pizza for Kevin is delivered - A pizza, specifically plain cheese for Kevin, is delivered to the McCallister house. 14. Milk is spilled on the passports - While handling the milk, it is accidentally spilled on the passports. 15. Kevin disguises himself as a shepherd near the church - Kevin disguises himself as a shepherd near a church to avoid being recognized. 16. The thieves are going to break into the house - The thieves plan to break into the McCallister house. 17. The thieves are at the Murphy's house - The thieves arrive at the Murphy's house, potentially mistaking it for the McCallister's house. 18. Kevin is grounded on the third floor - Kevin is isolated on the third floor as a form of punishment. 19. The thleves are following Kevin on the street - The thieves are following Kevin as he roams the streets. 20. He heads to the shop - Kevin goes to a shop, possibly to buy something or seek assistance. 21. Buzz tells a scary story about Old Marley - Buzz shares a frightening story about Old Marley. 22. Fuller drinks a lot of Pepsi - Fuller consumes a significant amount of Pepsi. 23. The family got on the plane - The McCallister family boards the plane for their vacation. 24. The thleves are at the Murphy's house - The thieves realize their mistake and head toward the McCallister's house. 25. 25-year-old woman gives Kevin, mom's, her ticket - A 25-year-old woman mistakenly gives Kevin his mom's airplane ticket. 26. There is a blackout because of the storm - A blackout occurs due to a storm. By organizing the events in this order, it helps to understand the progression of the story and the actions that take place.
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