I. Put in the right word in the suitable form: cry, weep, sob. 1) She began to … uncontrollably. 2) She sat with her head on his shoulder for a moment then began to … softly. 3) Some people … more easily than others. II. Put in the right word in the suitable form: wish, long, yearn. 1) Ruth knows she will never be able to visit her motherland but all these years she has been … to visit it. 2) She … she had stayed at home. 3) It was freezing outside, and Marcia … for a hot drink. III. Put in the right word in the suitable form: take, bring, fetch. 1) I want to be … seriously. 2) He … what I said as a criticism. 3) Could you … my umbrella from the corridor? 4) He … his friends with him when he came to see us. 5) Spring … warm weather.