I. Match the words to form compound adjectives and translate them.
1. old a) behaved
2. good b) watering
3. two c) haired
4. well d) looking
5. mouth e) faced
6. grey f) fashioned
7.Lora is very . She always talks about people behind their back.
8. They make burgers at Green’s Diner.
9. John is so . He could easily be a model.
10. Mrs. Billins is the old lady who works in the sweet shop.

yakormnevzad yakormnevzad    1   15.04.2020 12:52    682

taniash052005 taniash052005  18.01.2024 08:14
Compound adjectives are adjectives that are formed by combining two or more words together. Let's go through each question one by one and match the words to form compound adjectives.

1. old-fashioned (e) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "old" (a) with the word "fashioned" (f). It means something that is not modern or out of style.

2. well-behaved (a) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "well" (d) with the word "behaved" (a). It describes someone who behaves well or follows the rules.

3. two-haired (c) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "two" (b) with the word "haired" (c). It means having two types or colors of hair.

4. good-looking (b) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "good" (b) with the word "looking" (d). It describes someone who is attractive or pleasing to look at.

5. mouth-watering (f) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "mouth" (e) with the word "watering" (b). It describes food or a dish that looks or tastes very delicious.

6. grey-haired (c) - This compound adjective is formed by combining the word "grey" (e) with the word "haired" (c). It describes someone who has grey hair.

Now, let's translate the compound adjectives into Russian.

1. old-fashioned (старомодный) - describes something that is not modern or out of style (что-то, что не модерно или не в стиле);

2. well-behaved (воспитанный, послушный) - describes someone who behaves well or follows the rules (описывает человека, который ведет себя хорошо или следует правилам);

3. two-haired (двухволосый) - describes having two types or colors of hair (описывает наличие двух типов или цветов волос);

4. good-looking (красивый, привлекательный) - describes someone who is attractive or pleasing to look at (описывает человека, который привлекателен или приятен для взгляда);

5. mouth-watering (аппетитный) - describes food or a dish that looks or tastes very delicious (описывает еду или блюдо, которые выглядят или вкусно);

6. grey-haired (седовласый) - describes someone who has grey hair (описывает человека с серыми волосами).

Now, let's move on to the sentences.

7. Lora is very (fill in the blank with the correct compound adjective). She always talks about people behind their back.
In this sentence, the correct compound adjective is "old-fashioned." Therefore, the sentence should be:
"Lora is very old-fashioned. She always talks about people behind their back." (Лора очень старомодна. Она всегда говорит о людях за их спиной.)

8. They make burgers at Green’s Diner.
In this sentence, we don't need to form a compound adjective, but we need to understand the meaning of "make burgers." The sentence is fine as it is and means that at Green's Diner, they prepare or cook burgers. (Они делают гамбургеры в ресторане Грина.)

9. John is so (fill in the blank with the correct compound adjective). He could easily be a model.
In this sentence, the correct compound adjective is "good-looking." Therefore, the sentence should be:
"John is so good-looking. He could easily be a model." (Джон такой привлекательный. Он мог бы легко стать моделью.)

10. Mrs. Billins is the (fill in the blank with the correct compound adjective) old lady who works in the sweet shop.
In this sentence, the correct compound adjective is "old." Therefore, the sentence should be:
"Mrs. Billins is the old lady who works in the sweet shop." (Миссис Биллинс - старушка, которая работает в кондитерской.)
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