I. fill in: wardrobe, recognise, spare room, prime-minister, porch, neighbourhood. 1. is your new very crowded and noisy? 2. don’t leave your clothes all over the room. hang them in the 3. jenny would like a house with a where she would work. 4. what is the number of your in the block of flats? 5. it was difficult him, he looked sick and tired. ii. fill in the correct for of the verbs (-ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive withoutto) 1. our teacher makes us (do) our homework. 2. i never liked ) to church when i was a child. 3. tom wants (finish) work early today. 4.david always enjoyed (play) football at school. 5.i stopped ) my book and went to bed. iii. march the words on the left and on the right. 1. forgetfula. pitch 2. spaciousb. shop 3. football c. gym 4. corner d. anniversary 5. wedding e. grandpa iv. write true sentences about place you live in. i live in … there are … and … there aren’t any … there is a … where i … my neighbourhood is …there’s a … in front of my house. there’s a … to the left/ right.i really like the place i live in. v. choose the correct form of the verb. my friend … english since 2009. 1. has been learning 3. had been learning 2. is learning 4. was learning

кристина2155 кристина2155    3   19.12.2019 21:48    48

tatyanavartanyp06xy5 tatyanavartanyp06xy5  10.10.2020 21:55

I. Fill in: wardrobe, recognise, spare room, prime-minister, porch, neighbourhood.

1. Is your new _neighbourhood__ very crowded and noisy?

2. Don’t leave your clothes all over the room. Hang them in the _wardrobe_.

3. Jenny would like a house with a _spare room_ where she would work.

4. What is the number of your _porch_ in the block of flats?

5. It was difficult to_recognise_ him, he looked sick and tired.

II. Fill in the correct for of the verbs (-ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to)

1. Our teacher makes us ... (do) our homework.

2. I never liked (going) to church when I was a child.

3. Tom wants ... (to finish) work early today.

4. David always enjoyed (playing) football at school.

5. I stopped (reading) my book and went to bed.

III. March the words on the left and on the right.

1. forgetful  E. grandpa

2. spacious C. gym

3. football A. pitch  

4. corner B. shop

5. wedding D. anniversary

IV. Write true sentences about place you live in. I live in Kyiv. There are many shops and parks. There aren’t any fiedls. There is a school where I am a pupil. My neighbourhood is very nice. There’s a park in front of my house. There’s a cimema to the left. I really like the place I live in.

V. Choose the correct form of the verb. My friend has been learning  English since 2009.

1. has been learning 3. had been learning 2. is learning 4. was learning

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