I– complete the story with the correct verb form, past simple or past continuous. ​one cold december evening, an austrian electrician called karl emminger (1) ………………………………… (go) to a party at a friend´s house. soon after midnight, karl and his wife (2) …………………………………………… (leave) the party. it (3) ………………………………………………… (snow), so they (4) ……………………………………… (walk) quickly to the bus stop to catch the last bus home. ten minutes later, they (5) ……………………………………………………(stand) at the bus stop when a bus, driven by oskar schillab, (6) ………………………………………… (drive) past them without stopping. furious, karl (7) ………………………………………… (stop) a taxi and (8) ………………………………………………… (tell) the driver to ‘follow that bus! ’ a few moments later, they (9) …………………………………………………… (see) the bus, which (10) ………………………………………………………… (wait) at a red traffic light. karl (11) …………………………………………… (jump) out of the taxi, onto the bus and (12) …………………………………… (hit) oskar on the nose. shocked, oskar (13) ………………………………………………… (take) his foot off the brake. the bus, which (14) …………………………………………………… on a hill, (15) …………………………(move) forward and (16) ………………………………………………… (crash) into a shop window, causing thousands of damage!

Bashirov12 Bashirov12    2   03.04.2019 09:00    13

kateshaginian kateshaginian  28.05.2020 13:16

1 went

2 left

3 was snowing

4 walked

5 were standing

6 drove

7 stopped

8 told

9 saw

10 was waiting

11 jumped

12 hit

13 took

14 was (тут глагол пропущен)

15 moved

16 crashed

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