I. Choose the correct variant: 5p 1) She is still not used to ... breakfast before leaving for school. (have, having)

2) The teacher cannot ... students being late for school. (get used to, be used to)

3) My aunt ... preparing special meals for her family. (is used to, used to)

4) He didn’t ... to talk much about his relationships with his co-workers.(use, used).

5) We were all shocked (by, at, with) the terrible news about the car accident.

II. Fill in used to, to be used to, to get used to. 12p

1) I ... drinking hot coffee in the mornings.

2) I ... drink a lot of green tea in summer.

3) When my sister was young she ... play with her dolls a lot, but she doesn’t anymore.

4) It took them a while, but finally they ... the smell in the room.

5) I think I shall never ... the heat in India.

6) When I was in elementary school I ... play a lot of volleyball.

III. Choose the correct variant: 10p

1. If you don’t feel (good/well), ask the boys to play (quiet/quietly).

2. Whenever she gets (tired/tiredly), she opens the window (wide/widely) and looks (envious/enviously) into the street where the people walk (happy/happily) and seem very (joyful/joyfully).

3. Why are you so (impatient/impatiently) to know her mark at the exam?

4. She remained (silent/ silently) for a moment, then she started explaining (feverish/feverishly) her view point on the matter.

IV. Use the correct reflexive pronouns. 18p

1. Buy two ice creams; one for me and one for … .

2. The cat made … comfortable in the box.

3. Jack London called … a self-made man.

4. Self-confident people usually build a positive image of ... .

5. She may keep the change for … .

6. Tom, take care of …!

7. The dog … found a safe place from the rain.

8. They did it all by … .

9. Boys, behave …!

V. Give two arguments and express your point of view on the proverb “The busiest men find the most leisure” (50 -60 words – 5p)

меор меор    1   31.03.2021 09:54    5

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