I Choose the correct answer 1. My friendto the library every Wednesday.
a) went
b) goes
c) go
d) to go
2. What you usually (to buy) at the shop?
a) What will you usually buy at the shop?
b) What do you usually buy at the shop?
c) Do what you usually buy at the shop?
d) What did you usually buy at the shop?
2. I computer games yesterday.
a) won’t play
b) doesn’t play
c) don’t play
d) didn’t play
3. Wetomatoes next summer.
a) will grow
b) doesn’t grow
c) did grow
d) to grow
4. Where your father (to work) last year?
a) Where do your father work last year?
b) Where does your father worked last year?
c) Where did your father work last year?
d) Will where your father work last year?
5) He TV yesterday.
a) didn’t watch
b) will watch
c) don’t watch
d) not to watch
6) Kate dinner every day.
a) cooked
b) cook
c) to cook
d) cooks
7) She to the south next summer?
a) Does she goes to the south next summer?
b) Will she go to the south next summer?
c) Is she go to south next summer?
d) Go she to the south next summer?
8) Tomorrow Nick to school.
a) won’t go
b) didn’t go
c) isn’t go
d) not to go
9) He (to go) to school every day?
a) Will he go to school every day?
b) Go he to school every day?
c) Does he go to school every day?
d) Go he to school every day?
10) I my friend yesterday.
a) meeted
b) met
c) meets
d) to meet
11. Look! They (to play) football now.
a) playing
b) is playing
c) are playing
d) play 11 points

II Выберите правильный вариант

1 This film is …. than that one .

a) interesting b) more interesting c) the most interesting

2 The snail is……animal on the land.

a) slower b) the slowest c) more slower

3 Nick is……than Rick.

a) braver b) the bravest c) more braver

4. My brother is…… child in our family.

a) more elder b) elder c) the eldest

5. Scotland is……..than England .

a) the smallest b) more smaller c) smaller

6. Moscow is …… city in the Europe.

a) the largest b) larger c) the larger

2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных
1 bad 5 fast
2 dirty 6 sad
3 weak 7 important
4 old (старый) 8 popular

hchv hchv    2   21.01.2021 11:39    0

дима22819 дима22819  21.01.2021 11:40











11.they are playing

Объяснение: у тебя второе задание непонятное

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