I.                 Changes in Communications Technology. 1.     What purposes are people buying computers for?

a.      not for work but to use at home for email and other domestic purposes.

b.     for games

c.      only for copying, typing

2.     How televisions have changed (became)?

a.      interactive

b.     white and black

c.      colourful

3.     Even a few years ago, were mainly used by business people anxious not to lose touch with the office.

a.      mobile phones

b.     television

c.      radio

II.              SMS messaging.

4.     Text messaging, in particular, allows parents with their children in an unobtrusive way.

a.      to be sure

b.     to keep in touch

c.      not to lose touch with the office

5.     It also allows people without the embarrassment of face to face contact.

a.      to listen to each other

b.     to ask each other out

c.      to write to each other 

III.            New mobile phones.

6.     The earlier big and heavy phones have been replaced by with many more features.

a.      smaller and lighter models

b.     bigger and heavy models

c.      interactive and realistic

7.     Today, newspapers and television often use phone pictures from eyewitnesses’ their reports.

a.      to write

b.     to illustrate

c.      to report

IV.            Some disadvantages.

8.     Everything has its drawbacks and mobile phones can be very .

a.      annoying

b.      destructive

c.      interesting

9.     Occasionally one even sees people in a restaurant, sitting at a table together but all having mobile conversations.

a.      same

b.     interesting

c.      separate

V.              Keeping in touch.

10.  We are increasingly expected to be available all the time.

a.      available

b.     open

c.      serious

11.  Nowadays even people on holiday from the office may need with their colleagues at work.

a.      to keep in touch

b.     to make peace

c.      to do work

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тина136 тина136  04.10.2021 06:00



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