I. Answer the following questions:
1 When was found electric phenomena?
2 What does a force of attraction mean?
3 What kinds of electricity are there?

Вероника5577 Вероника5577    3   20.05.2020 03:05    262

25tajna 25tajna  22.12.2023 12:42
I. Answer the following questions:

1. When was electric phenomena discovered?
The discovery of electric phenomena dates back to ancient times. However, the systematic study and understanding of electricity as a scientific phenomenon began in the 17th century. In 1600, the English scientist William Gilbert conducted experiments with electricity and coined the term "electric force."

2. What does a force of attraction mean?
A force of attraction refers to the pull between two objects or substances due to their electric charges. The electric force of attraction occurs between objects with opposite charges. For example, when you rub a balloon on your hair, it becomes negatively charged, and it can stick to a wall due to the force of attraction between the negatively charged balloon and the positively charged wall.

3. What kinds of electricity are there?
There are two main types of electricity: static electricity and current electricity.

- Static electricity: This type of electricity refers to the buildup of electric charges on an object. It occurs when there is an excess or deficit of electrons on the surface of an object. The charges do not flow and remain static until they are discharged. Examples of static electricity include the spark you see when you touch a metal object after walking on a carpet or the crackling sound when you take off a sweater.

- Current electricity: Current electricity is the constant flow of electrons in a circuit. It is the type of electricity we use in our homes and daily life. Current electricity requires a continuous path or circuit for the flow of electrons. Devices such as light bulbs and electrical appliances work using current electricity.

Both static electricity and current electricity play essential roles in our lives and have various applications in technology, medicine, and many other fields.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the questions. If you have any further doubts or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!