I am a first-year student of Belarusian National Technical University. I study at the Civil Engineering Faculty. This faculty trains civil engineers. The whole process of studying deals with mastering new construction methods and progressive technology of production of building structures and materials. While at school I was interested in physics and mathematics and after finishing school I decided to become a civil engineer. Everybody knows that it is a very useful and interesting profession nowadays. Our builders and civil engineers are busy with the expansion and modernization of the building materials industry, the introduction of new building machines and progressive speedy methods of construction.
We begin to master our speciality from the first year of studying at the University. Besides physics and mathematics special engineering subjects such as strength of materials, descriptive geometry, theoretical mechanics, building materials, geodesy, architecture are taught at our faculty. A true engineer must also know a foreign language and use it in his future work.
Our University Academic Staff goes hand in hand with the latest development in science. Many brilliant lecturers deliver lectures to us. Much work is done by the students in the laboratories, which are equipped with modern apparatus, appliances, machines and devices. Different stands, diagrams, tables and posters are at our disposal. We do laboratory tests and experiments on building materials and building structures. In this way we take part in scientific research. Many of us carry out re- search work and make reports about our experimental work at students’ scientific conferences. Much of our time is spent in the reading halls of our library where we prepare for our seminars, full term tests and exami- nations. In summer many students of our faculty have their labour term.
According to the academic plan the forth-year students of our faculty have their technological field training either in Minsk or in other towns. They are sent to work at different construction sites according to their speciality. This is of great use for them as they get acquainted with their future work and learn to employ in practice the knowledge they gained at the University.
During the 5th year of studying at the University we have two months’ field training which is to broaden our engineering knowledge to get ready for the final and most important period in students’ life that is the defence of graduation project in the presence of the State Examining Board. Prior to it one must choose a topic for it first. The work at the graduation project needs much time and effort. We are welcome to con- sult our professors on some vague items. After graduating from the University we’ll work at building material factories, on construction sites, in design and research institutions. Besides, our University provides us with everything necessary to pre- pare for a scientific career through a post-graduate course. In a word we do not look for a job, the job looks for us.
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piloyanmurad piloyanmurad    1   25.01.2022 08:15    81

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