Every year there are around 2.000 self-help books published. (1).. Some of these inelude becoming more optimistie. achieving goals, and reducing anxicty.
How to win friends and infhuence people is the grandfather of self-help books: (2) ... The book was an overnight sensation, rapidly becoming a bestseller. It advises he reader on how to make friends quickly and easily.
The author concentrates on the importance of communication skills. (3)... He gives lots of examples to support his argument.
The author believes that you should always be respectful. and you should make people feel important. (4).. For example. il you want to make someone agree with you: you should let them think that they had the original idea. Most self-help books encourage their readers to concentrate on being positive, and to try not to have negative thoughts. Many people often think this is the key to happiness. (5)...
Recent research has shown that this approach doesn't alwaysS work: A group of people who wanted to feel more optimistic about themselves actually felt worse after they had written a list of positive sentences. (6) When they were allowed to write a list of negative as well as positive things about themselves. they felt better than before.​

HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPILE Every year there are around 2.000 self-help books publishe

PollusikRO PollusikRO    1   19.05.2021 17:14    18

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