Dombra is a Kazakh two-stringed plucked musical instrument, a relative of the Russian domra and balalaika. It is also found in Uzbekistan (dumbyra, dumbrak), Bashkiria (dumbyra). The sound of the dombra is quiet, soft. It is extracted by a pinch, blow of a hand or a pick.
The folk storytellers - akyns accompany their singing with the dombra. Performing musical compositions on dombra is a favorite form of Kazakh art. Folk songs are performed to the sounds of dombra; dombra is also used as a solo and ensemble instrument.
Dombra is a Kazakh two-stringed plucked musical instrument, a relative of the Russian domra and balalaika. It is also found in Uzbekistan (dumbyra, dumbrak), Bashkiria (dumbyra). The sound of the dombra is quiet, soft. It is extracted by a pinch, blow of a hand or a pick.
The folk storytellers - akyns accompany their singing with the dombra. Performing musical compositions on dombra is a favorite form of Kazakh art. Folk songs are performed to the sounds of dombra; dombra is also used as a solo and ensemble instrument.