Хотя бы то на пару вопросов Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Mr. Todd usually (pay, pays, has paid) his bills in time.
2. Victoria (tours, has been touring, will tour) since May.
3. Nash (had done, did, will have done) it before we came.
4. The Fords (had been discussing, were discussing, discussed) the problem for an hour before the grandchildren arrived.
5. Our hamster (is eating, eats, was eating) the grains at the moment.
6. His niece (was playing, is playing, has been plaving) the piano when we entered the drawing room.
7. On Monday Karen (will have been teaching, has been teaching, will teach) French at our school for ten yean
8. Floyd (will join, will be joining, will have joined) us in a minute.
9. The puppy (is jumping, jumps, jumped) at the moment.
10. Gladys (will be sitting, was sitting, is sitting) at the lectures at this time tomorrow. 11. Mrs. Moody (looked, was looking, had looked) worried yesterday.
12. Our family doctor (consults, is consulting, has been consulting) our family for years. 13. Rebecca (will have stewed, will stew, will be stewing) this meat by two o'clock.
14. Lionel (was waltzing, is waltzing, has waltzed) when we were looking at him.
15. Wendy and Gregory (are married, have been married, were married) for twenty years.
16. We were tired yesterday. We (had been working, worked, have been working) in the garden for three hours.
17. I (am thinking, think, have been thinking) about it now.
18. The shark (is, has been, was) a very dangerous creature.
19. Hardly (has, had, have) she entered the room when the children rushed to her.
20. Eve (is always complaining, always complain, always complained) of her relatives. 21. Gillian (will be lying, will lie, will have been lying) in the sun at this time in June.
22. Squirrels (were rustling, rustled, are rustling) in the bushes while we were sitting under that big oak tree.
23. The weather is terrible now. The trees (are bending, bend, have been bending) in the wind.
24. In 2010 Mr. Bradford (will have been researching, will be researching, will research) this problem for
25. Luke (has missed, had missed, missed) three lessons today.
26. Violet (did, had done, was doing) all the washing before her mother returned. twenty years.

KindPioneer KindPioneer    3   03.12.2020 23:41    15

hamsterizumkin hamsterizumkin  02.01.2021 23:53

1.Mr. Todd usually  pays his bills in time.

2. Victoria has been touring since May.

3. Nash did it before we came.

4. The Fords were discussing the problem for an hour before the grandchildren arrived.

5. Our hamster is eating the grains at the moment.

6. His niece was playing the piano when we entered the drawing room.

7.On Monday Karen will teach French at our school for ten yean

8. Floyd will join us in a minute.

9. The puppy is jumping at the moment.

10. Gladys will be sitting at the lectures at this time tomorrow.

11. Mrs. Moody was looking worried yesterday.

12. Our family doctor consults our family for years.

13. Rebecca will have stewed this meat by two o'clock.

14. Lionel was waltzing when we were looking at him.

15. Wendy and Gregory were married for twenty years.

16. We were tired yesterday. We worked in the garden for three hours.

17. I am thinking about it now.

18. The shark is a very dangerous creature.

19. Hardly has she entered the room when the children rushed to her.

20. Eve is always complaining of her relatives.

21. Gillian will have been lying in the sun at this time in June.

22. Squirrels were rustling in the bushes while we were sitting under that big oak tree.

23. The weather is terrible now. The trees are bending in the wind.

24. In 2010 Mr. Bradford will be researching this problem foR twenty years.

25. Luke missed three lessons today.

26. Violet had done all the washing before her mother returned.

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