ХОТЬ С ЧЕМ-ТО ...((( Задание: Выполните задания и прикрепите ответы в электронном виде. Допустимо выполнение задания письменно (от руки), при этом прикрепляется фото выполненного письменного задания.

1. Chris had a lot of problems while he was travelling abroad. What should or shouldn't he have done to avoid these problems?

1.'My wallet with my credit card in was stolen from my pocket.' He should have kept his wallet in a safe place. He shouldn't have kept his credit card in his wallet.

2.'I got terribly sunburned.'

3.'I couldn't understand what anyone was saying.'

4.'I lost my passport.'

5.'My parents got very worried because they didn't know where I was.'

6.'My girlfriend back home started going out with someone else.'

2. Think of a situation in which you did not take advice and something went wrong as a result. Then take turns to tell a partner what happened. Your partner should tell you what you should or shouldn't have done. Write down the dialog.

3. Put in definite articles where they are needed. Make them red.


Today's business people travel extensively as part of their job and stay in expensive hotels. When they go away they want same comfort as they are used to at home such as en-suitebathrooms, but in a more simple, informal setting.

Sea Club Hotel in Majorca is a hotel that caters for this type of client. It is registered with Tourist Board as a one-starhotel – that is equivalent to a youth hostel. Its low rating is because there are no TVs or telephones in rooms, but this is probably most expensiveone-starhotel in Spain. All rooms haveen-suitebathrooms and are built around a luxury swimming pool.

Guests can laze around all day, or take a car to explore island. Then in evening Sea Club comes into its own, with dinner served at one long table – so everyone mixes and gets to know each other. 'This is what makes Sea Club so unique; business people spend their lives travelling but don't get to meet locals, yet at Sea Club there are always local people who come in to dine and meet guests.

(from "Leisure and Tourism")

4. Put in definite articles where they are needed. Make them red.


Britain's oldest man made his first visit to London at age of 110. Mr. John Evans had never found time or money to make trip from

his home in Swansea. But when British Rail offered him an all-expenses-paid birthday treat to capital, he just could not refuse.

He arrived in style at Paddington Station, smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole.

"It's very exciting, there's no doubt about it," he said. He had never been far from home before, except for one trip to Aberdeen.


"But I've been on seas to that faraway land called Ilfracombe 21 miles from home," he joked.

Mr. Evans, who spent 60 years working as a miner in South Wales, almost made journey to London once before, at turn of century.

"There was a trip to White City but it was ten shillings return from Swansea – too much I thought. All my money went to family then," he said.

During next two days Mr. Evans will be taken on a whistle-stoptour of London to see sights. Top of his list is a visit to Houses of Parliament organized by his MP.

The only arrangement he does not care for is wheelchair provided to ferry him about if he gets tired.

"I don't like chair business – people will think I am getting old," he


His ingredients for a long and healthy life have been well publicized – no alcohol, no tobacco and no cursing.

Before setting off from Swansea with his 76-year-oldson, Amwel, he quipped, "I'm glad to see they've given me a return ticket."

5. Check the use of definite articles. Sum up the stories.

maskaasenkova maskaasenkova    1   04.07.2021 13:26    107

samuraterikov0 samuraterikov0  03.08.2021 13:30

ответ: артикли только

as а part of their

want the same

probably the most expensive one

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