Хоть чем-то прочитайте текст. определите фактические ошибки в утверждениях 1-5, данных после текста. исправьте ошибки: зачеркните неверное слово и запишите правильный ответ (одно слово) в правой колонке таблицы. слово должно быть записано в той форме, в которой оно употреблено в тексте. the english are famous for their love for pets, gardening, and golf. they are also very fond of teddy bears. toy bears are the most popular souvenirs, birthday and christmas presents – you can see them in any house. some people, adults as well as children, collect teddy bears, postcards and books with their images. teddy bears often become characters of books and animated films. the series of paddington books, by michael bond, was written in the middle of the 20th century and is still a bestseller! the series is based on the adventures of a small teddy bear. according to michael bond, once he saw a toy bear in a london store. it was the 24th of december, christmas eve, and people were buying gifts for their families and friends. the shelves of the store were emptying quickly but nobody wanted to take that bear. michael felt sorry for the sad, lonely toy and he bought it for his wife. michael’s wife liked the present very much. as the bear was bought near paddington underground station, the couple decided to call him paddington. the bear brought them luck and changed their life completely! amazingly, the toy inspired michael, who worked as a bbc cameraman, to write a story about an overpolite teddy bear who eats marmalade sandwiches and always gets into trouble. the story starts when the brown family sees a small bear sitting on his suitcase in paddington station. there is a label attached to the bear’s coat and it reads, “please take care of this bear. thank you.” the brown family decides to adopt the bear. the readers learn that the bear was sent to london from peru by his aunt lucy. he came all the way in a lifeboat eating marmalade, his favourite food. the browns named the bear paddington, after the station where he was found. paddington bear turns out to be a remarkable character. he is very considerate, polite, and speaks perfectly - his english is excellent, with no mistakes at all. he always wears a blue coat, a large hat, wellingtons, and never forgets to take his suitcase, with a good supply of marmalade sandwiches. the sandwiches and his good natured character help him cope with all the troubles. 1) michael bond bought the toy bear right before easter. 2) michael bond gave the toy bear to his daughter as a present. 3) michael worked for the bbc as a playwright. 4) the brown family lost the small bear in paddington station. 5) paddington bear speaks english poorly. 6) wherever he goes, paddington bear always has his rucksack with sandwiches with him.

Anonim1678 Anonim1678    2   07.05.2019 22:59    48

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