Homework Complete the text. Choose the correct word.
My name is Catalina. I think it is interesting with my mobile phone, but these photos are
to find art in our life. I really enjoy (1) going/ not very (7) good/well
. Many of my friends
go to the cinema, art galleries or museums, also love photography, and sometimes we
and try to (2) understanding/understand what go out to take photos together.
the artist (3) want/wants to tell us. I am not One more thing I like is writing. I think that it
a very (4) create/creative person. The art I is very interesting to share your feelings with
ke most is (5) photography/photos. Some other people. I usually write when I am sad
years ago I went to a photography course and or happy, when I am full of feelings.
earned some things about it and about the I think that art is something that (8) needs
cameras. But one day my camera (6) brakes/helps us to share our feelings with other
broke down. Of course, my parents did not people and to (9) create/understand other
buy me a new one. I continue taking photos people's feelings.

помоги270 помоги270    1   02.03.2021 17:05    4

Munas Munas  01.04.2021 17:07

1)going 2)understand 3)want 4)creative 5)photography 6)broke 7)good 8)helps 9)understand


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