Hometask: Виконай вправу, що знаходиться знизу. Запиши дієслово, яке ти обрав. Речення
переписувати не треба. Фото надішли вчителю.
1 Emma went/goed to Australia last month.
2. Did you broke/break my computer yesterday?
3. My granddad didn't caught/ catch any fish last Sunday.
4. When did you feed/fed a cat?
5. My neighbour's dog bite/bit me yesterday.
6. Did you take/took a shower two hours ago?
7. When did your mother come/came home?
8. He give/gave me his phone number yesterday.
9. I didn't fly/ flew a kite when I was 6.
10. The wind was strong yesterday and the last leaves
fall/fell off the tree.
11. They didn't be/weren't in the village last summer.