His name strange. how old sue and pam? the cat black. it is white. they in year 6? a: larry a student? b: . a: you new to the school? b: andy my best friend. her favourite subject maths. tom and his brother students. my dogs black and white. when the art class? his mother a teacher. is your sister at home? very big. mice very small. a: a ruler? b: a ruler. вставте формы глагола to be

нануша456 нануша456    2   28.09.2019 14:30    0

ktotonoto ktotonoto  09.10.2020 00:46
Is, are, isn't, is, b:(yes, he is), are, b:(yes, l'm), is, is, are, are, is, is, are, are, is, d:(yes, l'm)
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