Hi Sara,
How are you? I'm having a great time in Namibia
Our group is small and Выбор варианта - vеrу wеll by our guide. Выбор варианта - some amazing thіngѕ аlrеаdу аnd
Выбор варианта - some fantastic landscapes.
Last weekend we went to a National Park. Bb6op Bapnahta to a watering hole where an amazing range of animals
Bbihop Bapnahta . We were told that the numbers Bulbop Bapuahta since the National Park Bb16op Bapnahta .
Bb6op Bapnahta that the accommodation there was quite basic, but it was fine. Bb6op Bapnahta a big tent each, and there
are outdoor showers and so on, which Вbihop Bapnahta very clean.
Our guide tells us lots of funny stories. He Bb6op Bapnahta to South Africa by his family to work in a bank, but he
Выбор варианта - it. Sо hе Выбор варианта , very badlу іn оrdеr tо Выбор варианта , his job. He kept us laughing for
Tomorrow we'll be joining another group and going to see some rock paintings. Bb6op Bapua ya quite recently, so we're one of
the first groups Выбор варианта

хххх555555пауотаг хххх555555пауотаг    3   26.04.2020 23:15    321

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