Hi guys Well, here I am at art college now, and I'm missing you all! You knov«, (1) I'm / I've got quite homesick-I didn't expect that at all. (2) I've got / Ihave a room in an apartment with five other students. The apartment is quite big and it (3) is / has very nice. It's got a big kitchen, but it (4) doesn't have /hasn't got a dishwasher or washing machine! Two of the rooms (5) have got/are still ermpty-l expect those people will come at the weekend. Two of the other girls here (6) aren't/don't have very friendly, they just stay in their rooms. But the other girl -Chris -is kovely (7) She's got/She has long dark hair and looks a bit like Angelina Jolie On Saturday we're going to (8) have got / have a dinner party-we're each going te find three more people to invite! My timetable isn't too full-(9) I've got / I have about five lectures each week and eight classes Enough about mel How are you all? (10) Have you got/Do you have any news for me? Love, Lucy