Here are some «rules» for preparing a presentation. Match the first sentence of each paragraph (1–6) with the paragraphs(a–f): 1. Decide what you want to say to your audience. 2. Choose the right equipment to help make your talk interesting. 3. Find out who you are talking to. 4. Practice your presentation in advance. 5. Make sure your presentation has a clear structure. 6. Find out about the room you are talking in.

Preparing a Presentation

a. It’s important to know your audience. How many people are there? Where are they from? What do they want to learn? How much do they already know?

b. The venue is important too. If possible, visit it before your presentation. Where will the audience sit? Where will you stand? Where will you put your equipment?

c. Make sure your objectives are clear. This will help you to prepare material that is interesting and informative. Remember, you want your audience to learn something they don’t know. You also want them to enjoy your presentation.

d. A well-organized presentation is easier to understand. Give it a beginning, a middle and an end. Make separate points and number them. This structure will help your audience follow what you are saying.

e. There are many different kinds of AV (audio-visual) aids. You can use a simple flip chart or show slides on an overhead projector. There is also computer software, like Microsoft Powerpoint, which can make your presentation look professional. Choose AV aids that are appropriate for your audience. And make sure you know how they work.

f. Make notes of the most important points. Make sure you speak to your audience – don’t read to them. Practiсe giving your talk out loud and check how much time it takes. Ask a friend to listen and give you feedback.

VI. Find the words in the text which mean:
1. Suitable or right for a particular situation, person, etc.
2. All the people who are watching or listening to a play, concert, speech, the television, etc.
3. An object, a machine, a tool, etc. using both sound and pictures that you use to help you do sth.
4. Information or comments about sth. that you have done which tells you how good or bad it is. 5. Giving useful information.
6. Something that you are trying to achieve.
7. The way that the parts of sth. are put together and organized.
8. The place where something happens

VII. Find the words in the text which are opposite to:
1) forget 2) more difficult 3) connected 4) complicated 5) uncertain 6) unskilled

knopiknopa knopiknopa    2   05.06.2020 03:20    61

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