Henry Ford
Henry Ford was born (0) ... ... a farm in Michigan in 1863 but he did not like
farming. When he was fifteen he began work as a mechanic and in 1893 he built
his first car. After he (26) driven it 1,500 kilometres, he sold it and built
two bigger cars. Then, in 1903, he (27) the Ford Motor Company. By
(28) strong but light steel, he built cheap cars for (29) people
to buy. In 1908, he built the first Ford Model 'T', (30) sold for $825. He
was soon selling 100 cars (31) day. By 1927, the Ford Motor Company
was (32) ... $700 million. Early Ford cars were simple and cheap, but
(33) things simple sometimes (34) less choice. 'You
have any colour you like,' said Henry Ford of the Model T, as long
as it's black.'
B was
D has
B started
A is
A raised
A putting
A usual
B operating
D appeared
D managing
D typical
D what
B ordinary
A where
B which
C led
C using
C general
C who
C the
C expensive
C keeping
C planned
C need
31 Aa
B some
A rich
B worth
B staying
B decided
B ought
A remaining
A meant
A will
D dear
D holding
D intended
D can​

linassglazunov linassglazunov    3   26.03.2020 18:58    300

elenashyplukova elenashyplukova  18.01.2024 15:45
Henry Ford was born on a farm in Michigan in 1863 but he did not like farming. When he was fifteen he began work as a mechanic and in 1893 he built his first car. After he had driven it 1,500 kilometers, he sold it and built two bigger cars. Then, in 1903, he started the Ford Motor Company. By using strong but light steel, he built cheap cars for ordinary people to buy. In 1908, he built the first Ford Model 'T', which sold for $825. He was soon selling 100 cars a day. By 1927, the Ford Motor Company was operating with $700 million. Early Ford cars were simple and cheap, but keeping things simple sometimes meant less choice. 'You have any color you like,' said Henry Ford of the Model T, as long as it's black.'

26) The correct answer is "had driven" because the verb "had driven" indicates that Henry Ford had completed the action of driving the car 1,500 kilometers before selling it.

27) The correct answer is "started" because it is in the past tense and matches the context of the sentence, which is talking about the establishment of the Ford Motor Company.

28) The correct answer is "using" because it indicates that Henry Ford used strong but light steel to build the cars.

29) The correct answer is "ordinary" because it describes the type of people for whom Henry Ford built the cheap cars.

30) The correct answer is "which" because it is used to introduce a relative clause and refers back to the first Ford Model 'T'.

31) The correct answer is "a" because it indicates an indefinite quantity of 100 cars.

32) The correct answer is "rich" because it describes the successful financial status of the Ford Motor Company.

33) The correct answer is "keeping" because it continues the idea that Henry Ford kept things simple, which sometimes resulted in less choice.

34) The correct answer is "intended" because it matches the context of the sentence, which is talking about Henry Ford's intention to provide a limited choice of colors for the Model T.

35) The correct answer is "can" because it completes the question "You can have any color you like?" and implies the possibility of choosing any color.
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