Help! вставить правильные слова в пробелы. 21 the contents of the shop were $ 500,000. from on for until question 22 the person you work with is colleague collaborator college question 23 you need to send a copy of all your documents to the . manpower human resources employees
workforce question 24 they want to get young people to open a bank counter count deposit account question 25 a is a part-payment of money which you make to stop the seller from selling his goods to others. deposit demand dividend debt question 26 a is the owner. premium overdraft proprietor
profit question 27 is money charged or paid for the use of money. interest fee liability investment question 28 labour describe the way workers feel about and behave towards each other. relatives references relations question 29 if production in that factory exceeds the target, the workers get
bonus premium gratuity donation question 30 you have to pay a now to reserve your holiday. deposit credit surplus security question 31 labour usually means that some special training or qualifications are needed. skilled child cheap question 32 is an amount of money, related to the
value of goods sold, which is paid to a salesman for his services. выберите один ответ. mortgage bonus commission loan consumer question 33 if you buy twenty or more items, you'll get a fee fare discount tax question 34 these clothes will get you and improve your image. note notice noticed
question 35 is the person or firm who buys the franchise, which is the licence that gives the right to provide the product or service. franchising franchisee franchiser question 36 the mechanic didn't me for repairing my car. charge tax change bribe question 37 she let the family live in
the cottage free. let rent accommodation hire question 38 she has got a lot of in her bank account. money salary income coins question 39 the time of the meeting has been from 11 a.m. to 10: 30. charged changed taxed bribed question 40 my bank has in towns all over the country.
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