Help meТрансформируйте следующие предложения в придаточные дополнительные, начав с фраз I knew, I thought, He said . Измените время глаголов-сказуемых в придаточных дополнительных в соответствии с правилами согласования времен. Произведите другие необходимые преобразования.
1. My friend was born in Moscow, and since that time he has been living there. 2. The goods that have been exported from Sweden are of high quality. 3. The books you need are in great demand everywhere. 4. The letter of congratulation was sent in advance, and they certainly have got it. 5. Various registers are interconnected. 6. Each storage location in the storage section is numbered, like post-office boxes. 7. We must get the samples. I admit the complexity of this. 8. Franklin didn’t know what electricity was, but he knew it could be passed through a metal wire. 9. A high level language is a language in which each instruction or statement corresponds to several machine code instructions. 10.The printers are used only as output units.

valkiriyali valkiriyali    3   30.12.2021 23:35    2

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