Help me Task 1 READING. Read the text and decide whether the statements below true (T) or
false (F).
Production of biofuels set to rise. The world’s production of biofuels is set to rise rapidly over
the next ten years. This is according to a new report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization. The report stated that increased global demand for biofuels will “boost
international trade” over the next decade. This is because of rising concerns about global
warming and the search for alternative energies. Governments around the world are desperate to
reduce the amount of fossil fuels they use so they can meet their CO2 targets. The current record
price of oil is fueling the scramble for biofuels. New biofuel production plants are springing up
in developed countries all over the world. The race is on to produce clean and economically-
friendly biofuels that will provide up to 20 per cent of the energy needs in the major world
Biofuels are not without their critics. Many people believe they are a major cause of the current
rise in food prices. Industry analysts disagree and say biofuels make up only five percent of these
increases, and that supply and demand is more to blame. However, it seems that a sharp rise in
biofuel production would greatly influence food prices. This is because more wheat, seeds, palm
oil and sugar would go into making biofuels instead of feeding people and farm animals. There is
a danger that food riots could spread across the world, even to rich countries. People would have
cheaper fuel for their cars but more expensive food on store shelves. This would greatly increase
the gap between the haves and have-nots. In October 2007, a United Nations spokesperson called
biofuels a "crime against humanity".
1.The production of biofuels will more than double over the next decade
2.Governments are extremely keen to replace fossil fuels with biofuels
3.There are no critics of biofuels.
4.A UN official said biofuels were a crime against humanity.
5.Biofuel production supplies their production only in the USA.
6 Biofuel production is the reason of rising food prices.
7.Because of biofuel production will be a food riots all over the worlds.

Task 2 Write an article about renewable energy sources.

What do you know about renewable energy sources?

Which sources is/are the most commonly used in your country?

Use as more words as you can from this unit.

Write advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources.
Example: Many people believe that in the future, fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas are going
to run out and will be replaced with biofuels……..

kovalenko171019 kovalenko171019    3   28.12.2020 12:24    139

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