Help me! choose the correct from of the verbs.there were however a number of administrative problems. when we arrived/had arrived, we discovered/had discovered that the hotel manager reserved/had reserved the wrong room for us and therefore we didn't have/had not had enough space. unfortunately, he couldn't let us have the larger room because he gave/had given it to another group, even bigger than ours.he also misunderstood/had also misunderstood the letter explaining what food we required/had required. in fact, we suspected/had suspected that he lost/had lost the letter. we don't recommend using this hotel again.

DenchikKing DenchikKing    3   06.06.2019 08:50    1

dashryazanova dashryazanova  01.10.2020 20:28
When we arrived, we discovered that the hotel manager had had reserved the wrong room for us and therefore we didn't have not enough space.
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