He is very lazy. he does work. last night i went to a restaurant with friends. i like hot drinks so i drink tea. how foreign languages can you speak? little many a few much few питання №4 ? завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді. kyivo-pecherska lavra was founded by: monks militia kyi bohdan khmelnitsky питання №5 which of the following nouns is uncountable? people mouse bottle milk питання №6 how cats have you got? lots of much many are

Янияру Янияру    3   02.04.2019 10:48    6

vlasenkoa16311 vlasenkoa16311  02.04.2019 12:00

he is very lazy. he does not go to work.

last night i went to a restaurant with my friends.

i like hot drinks so i drink hot tea.

how many foreign languages can you speak?

питання №4

kyivo-pecherska lavra was founded by monks

питання №5  

which of the following nouns is uncountable?  

people   and milk

питання №6  

how many cats have you got?

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